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Text + Field:

Innovations in Rhetorical Method
Table of

Explores the benefits of utilizing field methods for studying rhetoric as a complement to text-based approaches in order to address questions about text, context, audience, judgment and ethics.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

Introduction: Articulating Text and Field in the Nodes of Rhetorical Scholarship

by Sara L. McKinnon, Robert Asen, Karma R. Chávez, and Robert Glenn Howard

1. Interrogating the “Field”

by Samantha Senda-Cook, Michael Middleton, and Danielle Endres

2. Rhetorical Field Methods in the Tradition of Imitatio

by Joshua P. Ewalt, Jessy J. Ohl, and Damien Smith Pfister

3. From Guåhan and Back: Navigating a “Both/Neither” Analytic for Rhetorical Field Methods

by Tiara R. Na'puti

4. Feeling Rhetorical Critics: Another Affective-Emotional Field Method for Rhetorical Studies

by Jamie Landau

5. Embodied Judgment: A Call for a Phronetic Orientation in Rhetorical Ethnography

by Aaron Hess

6. “Pa’ Que Tú Lo Sepas”: Experiences with Co-presence in Puerto Rico

by Kathleen M. de Onís

7. It’s Like a Prairie Fire! Rhetorics of Trust and Reciprocity in the Texas Coal Plant Opposition Movement

by Valerie Thatcher

8. Being, Evoking, and Reflecting from the Field: A Case for Critical Ethnography in Audience-Centered Rhetorical Criticism

by Alina Haliliuc

9. Holographic Rhetoric: De/Colonizing Public Memory at Pueblo Grande

by Roberta Chevrette

10. Context Drives Method: Studying Social Media Use in a Warzone

by Lisa Silvestri

Afterword: Decentralizing and Regenerating the Field

by Phaedra C. Pezzullo



“It should be required reading for all of us working at the nexus of politics, rhetoric, and ethics.”

—Heather Ashley Hayes, Rhetoric & Public Affairs

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