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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Common Nymphs of Eastern North America:

A Primer for Flyfishers and Flytiers
Table of

A guide for identifying and imitating nymphs, with a focus on flyfishing. Also provides information useful to students, stream conservationists, and scientists concerned with monitoring the health of stream ecosystems.


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1. Nymph Ecology

2. Caddisflies

Netspinner Caddis or Tan Caddis

Little Black or Fingernet Caddis

Green Caddis or Green Rock Worm

American Grannom Caddis and Apple Caddis

Case-Maker Caddis

Smokey Winged Sedge

Dark Blue Sedge

Autumn Mottled Sedge

3. Mayflies

Little Blue-Winged Olives

Mahogany Duns and Blue and Black Quills

Flatheaded Mayflies

Quill Gordon, Pink Lady, and Gray-Winged Summer Quill

March Brown and Gray Fox

Cream and Light Cahills

Hendricksons, Red Quills, and Sulphurs

Green and Yellow Drakes

Slate Drakes or Great Leadwings

4. Stoneflies

Green Stoneflies or Sallflies


Common Stoneflies or the Stones

Little Yellow Stoneflies

Eastern Giant Stoneflies

5. True Flies


Black Flies

Crane Flies

Horse Flies and Deer Flies

Snipe Flies

6. Hellgrammites and Other Arthropods





Appendix A: Caddisfly Attributes and Simple Fly Patterns

Appendix B: Mayfly Attributes and Simple Fly Patterns

Appendix C: Stonefly Attributes and Simple Fly Patterns

Appendix D: Dipteran Attributes and Simple Fly Patterns

Appendix E: Hellgrammite and Noninsect Arthropod Attributes and Simple Fly Patterns



“Scientific knowledge, fishing experience, and fly-tying expertise meet in a near-perfect blend in this enjoyable, informative, and surprisingly readable volume. Any flyfisher pursuing trout in the eastern part of North America will profit from spending some serious time with this book, as will those in other locales, because much of the information provided here is transferable. Caleb Tzilkowski and Jay Stauffer Jr. are to be congratulated for making such a wealth of entomological knowledge and practical advice so accessible and relevant to ordinary flytiers and flyfishers.”

—Rex D. Matthews, Emory University (and dedicated flyfisher)

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