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A beautifully written and illustrated childrens book that takes the reader through a fun introduction of those lesser known endangered species of our world. The writing skilfully includes science, social studies and English elements that allow for deeper exploration by parents, teachers and children alike. Take a journey through colour, creativity and conservation with An Endangered Species Hullabaloo.

Natalie Pengilly’s abiding passion for education and conservation come together in her writing, which is focused on making environmental stewardship fun and easy for all ages. She connects her work to real-world organisations such as Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors. In this way, her books truly become forces for good. It’s hard to care about an animal you cant see. It’s also difficult to nurture your planet if you dont know where to start. Natalie solves these challenges with vibrantly illustrated animals who show their quirky personalities while sharing important messages. Her books are written for kids, but adults can learn from them, too. Being a mother and a teacher has shown her that we all have endless learning capacity, especially if the information is shared in an engaging way. That is why she creates books that burst with colour, rhyme, and fun. Natalie’s teaching journey has taken her to Australia and Saudi Arabia, where she’s had the chance to teach both Australian and British curriculums. She continues to share important knowledge with students of all ages via her books. Perfect for schools, zoos, and homes, her work captures the joy of caring for the world. Dive into the wonders of nature and learn practical ways to protect it when you check out Natalie’s work today! Natalie was born in South Africa, was raised in Australia and is currently on an adventure in Saudi Arabia.  I am never really in one location, I to love travel!

* Engaging childrens picture book.
* A resource for environmentally conscious adults and children alike.
* Teaching resource tool.
* Written by a teacher.
* Can be used across most curriculum areas (English, Social Studies, Geography, Science, Art).
* One of the first books to be amalgamated with social media, bringing books into the modern world.
* Supporting teaching material available on website
* Graphically pleasing.
* Social Media Campaigns



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