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Casey Mackinlay’s recollection on beating life’s unforeseen challenges and her journey to succcess - Girls don’t lay bricks is an inspiring yet humble and practical distillation of all the successful tactics, concepts and reflections that took one hungry teenage mother from a young bricklayer to CEO. If you aspire to more than where you are at, to pave your own path to success or simply need a dose of inspiration for business, then this is a must read. Girls don’t lay bricks lays a relevant and clear blue- print for best practices in business, life and love.

If sharing my story meant I empowered at least one person to make positive changes to better their life, then this book will have been a success in my eyes.

* Girls dont lay bricks apeals to a variety of audiences such as single parents, male and females, people wanting to read about business tactics or wanting relationship advice, it also appeals to people wanting insight into alternative pathways at school. * This book is easy to relate to and has a lot of takeaway points. * It is about female empowerment and just beleiveing in yourself but realistic enoigh to say you are not always going to get it right so where to from there. * Girls Dont Lay Bricks is a very unique true story of a girl going from being a bricklayer to teen mum to CEO. * *I am a motivational speaker who is booked for 30-70 presentations per year for schools, businesses and converences. * I have hired a publicist which will be working on the book launching.


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