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Revolution in Tropes

Alloiostrophic Rhetoric
  • ISBN-13: 9780739195062
  • By Jane S. Sutton, By Mari Lee Mifsud
  • Price: AUD $96.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/06/2019
  • Format: Paperback 220 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Language [C]
Table of
A Revolution in Tropes is a groundbreaking study of rhetoric and tropes. Theorizing new ways of seeing rhetoric and its relationship with democratic deliberation, Jane Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud explore and display alloiosis as a trope of difference, exception, and radical otherness. Their argument centers on Aristotle's theory of rhetoric through particular tropes of similarity that sustained a vision of civic discourse but at the same time underutilized tropes of difference. When this vision is revolutionized, democratic deliberation can perform and advance its ends of equality, justice, and freedom. Marie-Odile N. Hobeika and Michele Kennerly join Sutton and Mifsud in pushing the limits of rhetoric by engaging rhetoric alloiostrophically. Their collective efforts work to display the possibilities of what rhetoric can be. A Revolution in Tropes will appeal to scholars of rhetoric, philosophy, and communication
Introduction: A Revolution in Tropes, Jane S. Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud Chapter 1: Figuring Rhetoric: From Antistrophe to Alloiostrophe, Jane S. Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud Chapter 2: The Earth is not at Rest and Neither Should Be Rhetoric, Jane S. Sutton Chapter 3: Essay as Parataxis: Theorizing Alloiosis, Marie-Odile N. Hobeika Chapter 4: Beyond Syntax and Cities at War: Doing History and Theory Alloiostrophically, Mari Lee Mifsud Chapter 5: An Alloiotrophic Addition, Michele Kennerly Conclusion: A Chora Afterword by way of a Fragment and a Riddle, Jane S. Sutton
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