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Preaching to Every Pew

Cross-Cultural Strategies
The growing cultural diversity of American society is mirrored in the pews and parishes of mainline denominations and represents a dynamic challenge to the effective proclamation of the gospel on both Sunday mornings and in parish educational venues. When people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds listen to the same sermon, it is more than likely that they will not "hear" the same message. Preaching to Every Pew, based on extensive field research, takes on the challenge of preaching in such a context. Valuable both as a seminary text and as a text to help practicing pastor "re-tool" for more effective proclamation of the gospel.
James R. Nieman is Professor of Practical Theology and directs the Doctor of Ministry program at Hartford Seminary. He is coauthor of Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies (2001, 978-0-8006-3243-4) and edits the International Journal of Practical Theology. Thomas G. Rogers is Associate Professor of Homiletics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
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