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9780801882630 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Female Genital Cutting:

Cultural Conflict in the Global Community
  • ISBN-13: 9780801882630
  • By Elizabeth Heger Boyle
  • Price: AUD $67.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/11/2005
  • Format: Paperback 208 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Sociology [JHB]
Table of
The practice of female genital cutting, sometimes referred to as female circumcision and common in a number of African states, has attracted increasing attention in recent years and mobilized strong international opposition. While it typically produces a visceral response of horror and revulsion in Westerners, the practice is widely regarded in some cultures as essential for proper development into womanhood and is defended by women who have themselves experienced it and who have had the procedure performed on their own daughters. It is also perceived in many Islamic communities as religiously prescribed, although most Islamic clerics do not condone the practice.In this study, sociologist Elizabeth Boyle examines this controversial issue from the perspectives of the international system, governments, and individuals. Drawing on previous scholarship, records of international organizations, demographic surveys, and the popular media, Boyle examines how the issue is perceived and acted upon at international, national, and individual levels. Grounding her work in the sociological theory of neoinstitutionalism, Boyle describes how the choices made by governments and individual women are influenced by the often conflicting principles of individual human rights and sovereign autonomy. She concludes that while globalization may exacerbate such conflicts, it can ultimately lead to social change.

Contents:PrefaceONE IntroductionTWO Understanding Female Genital CuttingTHREE The Evolution of Debates over Female Genital CuttingFOUR International MobilizationFIVE The Diffusion of National Policies against Female Genital CuttingSIX Variation in the Meanings of National PoliciesSEVEN Individual Response: A Clash of Alternative Meaning SystemsEIGHT Individual Frame Resonance: Explanations for Opposing Female Genital CuttingNINE ConclusionNotesReferencesIndex

""A helpful and balanced synthesis of the laws, policies and literature regarding a highly controversial topic, as well as insight into international institutional dynamics.""

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