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First published in 1961 by Stackpole Books, Street without Joy is a classic of military history. Journalist and scholar Bernard Fall vividly captured the sights, sounds, and smells of the brutal - and politically complicated - conflict between the French and the Communist-led Vietnamese nationalists in Indochina. The French fought to the bitter end, but even with the lethal advantages of a modern military, they could not stave off the Viet Minh insurgency of hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, booby traps, and nighttime raids. The final French defeat came at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, setting the stage for American involvement and a far bloodier chapter in Vietnam`s history. Fall combined graphic reporting with deep scholarly knowledge of Vietnam and its colonial history in a book memorable in its descriptions of jungle fighting and insightful in its arguments. After more than a half a century in print, Street without Joy remains required reading.
Bernard B. Fall was a journalist specializing in Southeast Asia. Before he was killed while covering Vietnam in 1967, Fall wrote several other books, including Hell in a Very Small Place and Last Reflections on a War.
How War Came; Set-Piece Battle I; Set-Piece Battle II; Diary: Milk Run; Laos Outpost; Diary: The Women; "Street Without Joy"; Diary: Inspection Tour; End of a Task Force; Diary: The Men; Death March; Why Dien Bien Phu?; The Loss of Laos; The Second Indochina War; The Future of Revolutionary War; Index.


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