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Last Train from Atlanta

"The last train for the north leaves here tomorrow morning, Our soldiers are scattered along the railroad as hundred miles north, and as soon as that train passes, the work of destruction will commence. The railroad will be completely destroyed and every bridge burned. Then both armies (the armies of the Tennessee and Georgia) will assemble here, and after destroying the city will commence the march. I fear their track will be one of desolation." -- Major General Henry Slocum, Federal Commander of the 20th Corps.
A. A. Hoehling was the author of numerous works of history, including The Last Voyage of the Lusitania, Last Train from Atlanta, The Great War at Sea, and others.
"Last Train from Atlanta contains hundreds of stories about brave men and women, masses of interesting facts and many illuminating glimpses into the thought and behavior of the participants in the Atlanta campaign." -New York Times--The New York Times
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