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9780814754313 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Game Theory for the Social Sciences

  • ISBN-13: 9780814754313
  • By Herve Moulin
  • Price: AUD $64.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 01/10/1986
  • Format: Paperback (229.00mm X 152.00mm) 290 pages Weight: 454g
  • Categories: Social theory [JHBA]
The second edition of Herve Moulin's highly successful book outlines the fundamental concepts of game theory--one of the most provocative and fruitful applications of mathematics to the human sciences--and demonstrates its uses in economic and political discourse. Thoroughly revised, and now published with an accompanying workbook of 89 exercises, this rigorous yet accessible test explains the uses of game theory in largely nontechnical terms. Moulin carefully discusses the behavioral scenarios underlying the various equilibrium concepts. He provides a self-contained exposition of basic equilibrium concepts for strategic games: perfect (sophisticated) equilibrium, Nash's noncooperative example, Aumann's strong and correlated example, and several versions of the core. The author is concerned less with mathematical refinements than with helping the reader understand the strategic stories backing these concepts. HIs examples therefore give a fair account of the current game models used in economics, politics, and sociology. Addressed here are oligopoly theory, the provision of public gtoods, auctions, voting procedures, and cost allocation problems, as well as the classic prisoner's dilemma, tic-tac-toe, and Marienbad games. Extremely popular in its original French edition and in its first English version, Moulin's excellent introductory text is now, more than ever, the book to answer the essential questions about the application of game theory to the social sciences.
Herve Moulin is Associate Professor of Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
"A compendium of documents attesting to the brutal reality of state censorship around hte world and hte valiant efforts of many journalists, novelists, poets and playwrights to combat it." -Jonathan Brent, "Springer Science and Business Media" "A sobering look at what happens when freedom of speech completely disintegrates." -"Feminist Review", "PEN acts as the voice and conscience of everyone who cares about literature. In telling their stories, the incredible writers in this collection uncover some of the world's darker corners. This extraordinary book shows us once again why literature matters." -Antonia Fraser, author of "Marie Antoinette: The Journey" "Some of the prose is sparse, testifying to the economy of writers hurried by the threat of discovery; other pieces are rich with the care of dazzling minds left with no company but words." -"Utne Reader", "The selections make clear that many countries not ordinarily thought of as authoritarian are nevertheless not really safe for free expression. A compelling and worthwhile purchase; recommended for all libraries." -"Library Journal",
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