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Improving Nursing Home Care of the Dying

A Training Manual for Nursing Home Staff
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With the support of the Soros Foundation Open Society Institute's "Project Death in America", the authors have developed an innovative educational programme to help nursing home staff provide competent and compassionate end-of-life care. The book examines eight topics in end-of-life and palliative care in a long-term care setting. Topics include: recognizing the final phase of life; grief and loss; advance care planning; choices about eating and drinking; pain management; emotional and spiritual care; and caring for the caregivers.
Envisioning a good death; recognizing the final phase of life; grief and loss - understanding and supporting families; advance care planning; choices about eating and drinking; pain management; emotional and spiritual; caring for the caregivers - taking care of yourself emotionally. Appendices: Flacker Mortality Score; approaches to pain assessment and treatment; advance care planning booklet for nursing home residents; advance care planning booklet for families of nursing home residents; participants' handouts.
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