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The Legends and the Facts 2ed
  • ISBN-13: 9780863156434
  • Publisher: FLORIS BOOKS
    Imprint: FLORIS BOOKS
  • By Eleanor C. Merry
  • Price: AUD $35.99
  • Stock: 8 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/05/2008
  • Format: Paperback (234.00mm X 156.00mm) 136 pages Weight: 218g
  • Categories: Theosophy & Anthroposophy [HRQC5]
In this classic book, Eleanor C. Merry applies her remarkably wide-ranging knowledge of world religion and mythology to the Easter story. A perfect companion to her book The Ascent of Man, Easter focuses on three particular legends: The Holy Grail and Perceval, An Old Irish Legend, and The Legend of Faust. With the Sun, the Moon and Nature forming a continuous background to her ideas, Merry draws out the common themes which lead ultimately to the Christian Easter story.
'It's great to see Floris reprinting these Anthroposophical classics In Easter Eleanor Merry's golden thread revolves around the three themes of Percival, of Faust and of Hyperborean Apollo, culminating in the descent of Eternity into Time. A meditation on life, death and resurrection.'-- Inner Light Magazine, Summer 2008'In this enlightening book, first published in 1938, Merry connects the story of Easter and the autumn festival of Michaelmas with the spiritual relationship between the sun, moon, Earth and the old pagan mysteries.'-- The Cauldron, Sugust 2008
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