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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Eight-Year-Old Legend Book

  • ISBN-13: 9780863157134
  • Publisher: FLORIS BOOKS
    Imprint: FLORIS BOOKS
  • By Isabel Wyatt
  • Price: AUD $27.99
  • Stock: 57 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/11/2009
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 138.00mm) 120 pages Weight: 165g
  • Categories: Picture storybooks [YBCS]
This collection of stories is based upon tales told by the Buddha to his monks 2500 years ago. Isabel Wyatt's enchanting retelling conjures up a rich world of eastern legend, ruled by courtly kings and wise men, and populated by brave princes, faithful elephants and cunning monkeys. The stories tell of great adventures and heroes, of danger and courage, and most importantly of how wisdom and thoughtfulness always triumph over selfishness and greed.This anthology was compiled with children around the age of eight in mind - children who are embarking on more and more adventures in their own lives, and themselves learning to become clever and brave.
'For anyone who likes myths and folk tales, this book fulfills the need admirablywell worth buying'--Books for Keeps, no 179'The stories are gently paced and good for reading aloud.'-- Janet Dowling, The School Librarian, Winter 2009'A welcome change from the traditional stories we hear The tales are refreshingly uncomplicated'-- Armadillo Magazine Online, December 2009
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