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9780943914381 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Relativity, Philosophy & Mind

  • ISBN-13: 9780943914381
  • By Paul Brunton
  • Price: AUD $51.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 15/05/1987
  • Format: Hardback (145.00mm X 215.00mm) 550 pages Weight: 946g
  • Categories: Philosophy [HP]
Table of
Examining the relationship between perception and events, this highly significant volume contributes several important ideas to the "bridge" between modern science and perennial wisdom teachings. Part 1, 'The Reign of Relativity', explores the extent of relativity's domain and the implications of its principles for spiritual development. Part 2, 'What is Philosophy?', gets to the heart of Paul Brunton's teachings: how to actualise reliable knowledge and durable wholeness through fulfilling, combining, and balancing the practical, intellectual, and mystical elements of the human psyche. Part 3, 'Mentalism', examines the power of thought and celebrates a deeper level of each individual's own mind. It focuses on the fathomless untapped power within, with which we can improve our immediate selves and consequent circumstances.
Paul Brunton helps us hear the melody behind the medley of today's "spiritual marketplace." His late writings raise the bar for what we can expect of spiritual teachings and teachers, and what we can do for ourselves. Born in London in 1898, he soon became a leading pioneer of much of what we now take for granted. He traveled widely throughout the world (long before it was fashionable) to meet living masters of various traditions with whom he then lived and studied. His eleven early books from 1934-1952 shared much of what he learned, and helped set the stage for dramatic east-west exchanges of the late 20th century.
The Cosmos of Change; The Double Standpoint; The States of Consciousness; Time, Space and Causality; The void as metaphysical Fact; Toward Defining Philosophy; Its Contemporary influence; Its Requirements; Its Realisation Beyond Ecstasy; The Philosopher; The Sensed World; The World as Mental; The Individual and World-Mind; The Challenge of Mentalism; The Key to the Spiritual World.
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