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How to avoid being fired as a parent: Building respectful relationships to secure your familys success and happiness is for parents wishing to build strong, loving and trusting relationships with their children. It is for parents who want to raise their children without relying on threats, bribes, rewards and punishmentall of which have a negative impact on your relationship with your children and your family. It is for parents who are challenged by defiant and difficult children. If you are seeking more pleasure in your role as a parent, and wish to enjoy deeper and more intimate relationships with your children, the skills and ideas described within this book will secure your success. This book will provide you with a positive and constructive way of raising your children to have high emotional intelligence and exceptional communication skills, while you will enjoy an enhanced opportunity to influence your children.
Jenny established Parent Central with the mission of empowering parents to raise responsible and resilient children who will grow to be confident and resilient adults. We take the pain out of parenting and make it fun again enabling parents to be the best parents they can be. Parent Central prides themselves in building strong trusting relationships with our clients and providing high quality speaking, training and coaching services. Before establishing Parent Central, Jenny had a wide ranging career which included working at executive levels at Rio Tinto, Yarra Valley Water and KPMG in roles as diverse as engineering, consulting and general management. Like most parents, her life changed significantly when her son was born. Jenny wondered how she could do the best job of raising him in a way that was different than that of her parent’s generation.


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