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Brief Books about Big Ideas
A brief but engaging look at the fascinating world of ants. In Ants, researcher Joachim Offenberg encourages us to take a closer look at the ant: a small insect, but mighty in number and evolutionary sophistication. Exhibiting highly advanced social structures, the ability to control and manipulate other organisms, and the use of medicinal substances and tools, ants are more like humans than we might think. Like humankind, ants have multiplied on every continent on the globe, except Antarctica. Follow along as Offenberg delves into the complex world of ants: the architecture they build, the exciting societies in which they live, and the clever methods they use to survive. In Reflections, a series copublished with Denmark's Aarhus University Press, scholars deliver 60-page reflections on key concepts. These books present unique insights on a wide range of topics that entertain and enlighten readers with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.
Joachim Offenberg (AARHUS, DK) is a senior researcher in the Department of Ecoscience at Aarhus University.
A brief but engaging look at the fascinating world of ants.
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