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Business Research

A QuickStudy Laminated Reference Guide
Businesses of all sizes rely on research everyday to inform decisions, strategic plans, and operations. The tried-and-true methods and sources of research, from trusted periodicals and databases to personal interviews and face-to-face focus groups, have served the business community well for many years in delivering the information organizations need. However, over the last decade, Big Data, digital tools, and associated analytical services have burst onto the scene, changing the game for everyone playing. As both traditional and more modern methods have their merits, this 6 page laminated guide aims to compile trusted approaches, available resources, and helpful tips in conducting business research for any organization. Why Analyze Data? Business Research Types Useful Business Research Sites Research Information on Future Trends Surveys Focus Groups Sample Focus Group Moderator Guide Definitions & Language Online Focus Groups: Pros & Cons The World of Passive Data & Analytics Social Media The Future of Business Research
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