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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

Theories of Psychotherapy Series
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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR) is a unique, empirically validated approach that is recommended by the World Health Organization as a "first line treatment for post traumatic stress disorder in adults." EMDR therapy emphasizes working with imagery, cognitions, emotions, somatic sensations, and behavior linked to a disturbing memory, as well as attending to past, current, and future-oriented experiential contributors. Unlike many psychotherapeutic treatments, EMDR does not require prolonged exposure, the direct challenging of beliefs, or numerous sessions to achieve results. In this book, Dr. Shapiro, the originator of this approach, and Dr. Russell, her longtime colleague and collaborator, describe their work and the significant controversy that attended its rise due to EMDR's challenging of traditional cognitive behavioral approaches to psychotherapy and mechanisms of change. The authors describe the theory of EMDR, provide the complete EMDR therapeutic protocol, the evidence base that supports it, and examine practical issues and common challenges related to implementing EMDR in clinical practice.
Mark C. Russell, PhD, ABPP, is a core faculty member at Antioch University Seattle and the establishing director of the Institute of War Stress Injury, Recovery, and Social Justice. As a graduate student, Dr. Russell became Francine Shapiro's research assistant and was primarily responsible for developing the theory underlying EMDR. Dr. Russell is a retired Navy Commander and military psychologist, who became the first certified military EMDR trainer in the Department of Defense, and organized a series of just-in-time EMDR trainings for over 265 mental health providers in response to a growing military mental health crisis. Dr. Russell has authored over 13 articles and 6 book chapters on EMDR. He was awarded the Distinguished Psychologist Award by the Washington State Psychological Association for his sustained effort to transform military mental healthcare including advocating for EMDR trainings and treatment access, as well as the 2018 Outstanding Service in the Field of Trauma Psychology by APA Division 56 Trauma Psychology. Francine Shapiro, PhD, the originator and developer of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, was Senior Research Fellow Emeritus at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, and Executive Director of the EMDR Institute in Watsonville, California. She founded and was President Emeritus of the Trauma Recovery/EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs, a non-profit organization that coordinates disaster response and pro bono trainings worldwide. She received numerous awards, and served as advisor to a wide variety of trauma treatment and outreach organizations and journals, and She wrote and coauthored more than 90 articles, chapters, and books about EMDR.
Series Preface How to Use This Book with APA Psychotherapy Videos Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. History Chapter 3. Theory Chapter 4. The Therapy Process Chapter 5. Evaluation Chapter 6. Suggestions for Future Developments Chapter 7. Summary Glossary of Key Terms Suggested Readings and Resources Appendix A. EMDR Therapy Standard Protocol Worksheet B. Safe/Calm Place Exercise Protocol C. Resource Development and Installation Protocol D. Sample of Negative and Positive Cognitions References Index About the Authors
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