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Interpreting Bonhoeffer

Historical Perspectives, Emerging Issues
In the early twenty-first century, interest in the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is increasing significantly. In this environment, how should we understand and interpret Bonhoeffer? Interpreting Bonhoeffer explores the many questions surrounding the complexities of Bonhoeffer's life, work, and historical context and what they might mean for how we understand and interpret Bonhoeffer now and in the future.
Clifford J. Green is professor emeritus of theology, Hartford Seminary, Connecticut, and author of numerous works on Bonhoeffer. He is the Executive Director of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works.Guy C. Carter has taught at St. Peter's College and is a regular speaker and presenter in the fields of Christian history and theology. He earned his Ph.D. from Marquette University.
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