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Rethinking Common Core

The Missing Piece Sabotaging its Success
  • ISBN-13: 9781475820669
  • By John Jensen
  • Price: AUD $55.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/10/2015
  • Format: Paperback 78 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Education [JN]
Table of
Common Core arose from broad recognition that children were not retaining their learning. Its solution, however, was for students to learn different material--math and English more advanced and better arranged-and adults would declare their learning satisfactory or not. It did not address why children lost their learning in the first place and did not alter the instructional patterns that produced current results. This book examines the aim of Common Core and how the structure of U.S. education has limited its potential; why many states, district administrators, teachers, and parents oppose it, and the changes that might help to set it back on track. At issue are how standards can be made an inspiration or their drawbacks can be a liability; how teachers can implement a few powerful motivational conditions in any classroom to spur learning; how they can readily find out the ongoing knowledge students actually possess without relying on high stakes tests, and the universally effective learning method teachers use but seldom arrange for students.
Preface 1. The hole we were in. 2. How the problem arose. 3. How Common Core solved the problem. 4. The objections to Common Core. 5. How standards create a problem. 6. The clue from your use of paper. 7. How the response addresses the problem. 8. Why students retain so little. 9. How a simple idea can matter. 10. An effective solution. 11. How you can apply the solution. 12. How you can help students assimilate knowledge. 13. How teachers may handle levels of ability. 14. What it means to learn a whole subject. 15. How you can help students be creative. 16. How this approach remedies the Learn and Lose System dominating U.S. education. 17. How you can motivate students to cooperate. 18. How to include parents. 19. How students can perform publicly. 20. How to meet required testing. 21. How to test exactly what students know. 22. How testing can energize students. 23. How quickly you can make these changes. 24. The core of Common Core.
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