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Ever wonder what goes into the creation of some of the best music ever recorded? Ever wonder how someone becomes an iconic professional who is universally admired and respected? Al Schmitt on the Record: The Magic Behind the Music reveals answers to those questions and more. In this memoir of one of the most respected engineers of all time, you'll see how a very young boy - mentored by his uncle Harry in New York - progressed through the recording world in its infancy, under the mentorship of Tom Dowd, in its heyday, becoming one of the all-time great recording engineers. And now today Al continues as an unstoppable force at the top of the recording world with his name on mega-hits from the likes of Paul McCartney, Diana Krall, and Dylan. Al's credits include a veritable who's who of the music world. Reading the compelling accounts of Al's life in the studio, you'll see how he has been able to stay at the top of his game since the '50s, and you'll experience what is was like behind the scenes and in-the-studio during of many of his historic, impactful recordings. Schmitt also shares many of the recording techniques and creative approaches that have set him apart, including his approach to microphones, effects, and processors, and he even shares setup diagrams from many of his highly-lauded recording sessions!
Foreword by Sir Paul McCartney Acknowledgments Chapter One. But I'm Not Qualified, Mr. Ellington! Chapter Two. The Beginning: Early Days, New York, New York Chapter Three. Learning from the Greats Chapter Four. The West Coast Calls: Los Angeles in the Sixties and Seventies Chapter Five. Like Riding a Bike Chapter Six. Mixing: Philosophically and Pragmatically Chapter Seven. Practicalities: A Day in the Life Chapter Eight. Artists, Friends, and Mentors: What I've Learned Chapter Nine. Life's Been Good to Me So Far: Life Lessons and the Secrets to My Success Chapter Ten. Some Closing Thoughts Appendix A. Working with Al Appendix B. Recording Session Layout Diagrams Appendix C. Selected Discography: The Essentials


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