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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Fighting Corsairs: The Men of Marine Fighting Squadron Two-Fifteen in

the Pacific During WWII
  • ISBN-13: 9781493055081
    Imprint: LYONS PRESS
  • By Jeff Dacus
  • Price: AUD $56.99
  • Stock: 1 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 01/01/2021
  • Format: Hardback (100.00mm X 100.00mm) 272 pages Weight: 580g
  • Categories: General studies [GTG]
From historian and columnist in Leatherneck and Armor magazines, this is the exciting, personal account of a Marine fighter squadron in the South Pacific during the critical days of 1943 when the tide turned against the Japanese. Based on individual interviews and wartime documents, this is a thrilling narrative of the Marines who lived, and died, during the toughest battles of the entire war. It looks at the war through the eyes of some of the greatest fighter pilots of all time, including Bob Hanson, the "Maharajah of Rabaul," and highest scoring Corsair pilot in history.
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