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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Our Trespasses

White Churches and the Taking of American Neighborhoods
  • ISBN-13: 9781506494920
  • Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
  • By Greg Jarrell, Foreword by Chanequa Walker-Barnes
  • Price: AUD $68.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: Book will be despatched upon release.
  • Local release date: 20/02/2024
  • Format: Paperback (229.00mm X 152.00mm) 290 pages Weight: 318g
  • Categories: Church history [HRCC2]
Our Trespasses uncovers how race, geography, policy, and religion have created haunted landscapes in Charlotte, North Carolina, and throughout the United States. How do we value our lands, livelihoods, and communities? How does our theology inform our capacity--or lack thereof--for memory? What responsibilities do we bear toward those who have been harmed, not just by individuals but by our structures and collective ways of being in the world? Abram and Annie North, both born enslaved, purchased a home in the historically Black neighborhood of Brooklyn in the years following the Civil War. Today, the site of that home stands tucked beneath a corner of the First Baptist Church property on a site purchased under the favorable terms of Urban Renewal campaigns in the mid-1960s. How did FBC wind up in what used to be Brooklyn--a neighborhood that no longer exists? What happened to the Norths? How might we heal these hauntings? This is an American story with implications far beyond Brooklyn, Charlotte, or even the South. By carefully tracing the intertwined fortunes of First Baptist Church and the formerly enslaved North family, Jarrell opens our eyes to uncomfortable truths with which we all must reckon.
Greg Jarrell is a cultural organizer with QC Family Tree in the Enderly Park neighborhood of Charlotte, North Carolina. He works with words and music to impact housing and neighborhood justice issues. Jarrell writes about theology and history and co-leads Carolina Social Music Club, a popular jazz band. He and his wife, Helms, are ordained ministers and are raising two sons. Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes is a clinical psychologist, womanist theologian, and ecumenical minister. She is the author of I Bring the Voices of My People: A Womanist Vision for Racial Reconciliation and Too Heavy a Yoke: Black Women and the Burden of Strength. She teaches at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.
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