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Social Impact of Advertising

Confessions of an (Ex-)Advertising Man
  • ISBN-13: 9781538101131
  • By Tony Kelso
  • Price: AUD $240.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/11/2018
  • Format: Hardback 312 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Media studies [JFD]
Table of
Composed with a touch of the panache of a former advertising copywriter, Kelso challenges readers to reflect on the social impact of advertising from multiple angles. The book uniquely combines personal anecdotes with a penetrating look at some of the most critical perspectives toward the field advanced by media scholars. A play on David Ogilvy's legendary Confessions of an Advertising Man, the text disrupts the creative guru's account with a highly accessible critique of advertising suitable for classes in disciplines as various as cultural studies, marketing, media studies, political science, and sociology. The book reflects the latest industry trends, especially the migration from legacy to social media vehicles like Instagram and Snapchat. Topics covered include a brief history of modern advertising in the United States, advertising's influence on the so-called non-advertising content of the media, the ideological themes advertising inadvertently delivers, how advertising can privilege or marginalize various social constructions of identity, the controversial practice of targeting children, and how corporations often use advertising to superficially present a positive face while masking their profoundly darker sides. Incorporating a media-literacy approach, Kelso also offers an insider's overview of the typical procedures advertising agencies take in strategizing, conceptualizing, and delivering campaigns.
Preface Acknowledgments 1 Introduction: An Insider's Critical Approach to Advertising 2 Promoting Heaven on Earth: A Brief History of Advertising in the United States 3 So Much Energy for So Little Attention: Creating Images for Brands 4 Always Keep 'em Happy: How Advertising Shapes the Content of the Media 5 The Message Beneath the Message: Advertising and Ideology 6 Buying into Identity (Part 1): Representations of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Advertising 7 Buying into Identity (Part 2): Representations of Race and Ethnicity in Advertising 8 Building Brand Loyalty from the Womb: Advertising to Children 9 Sponsoring Exploitation and Environmental Destruction: Advertising and Externalities 10 Conclusion: Evaluating Advertising on Your Own Terms Index
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