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Sex Crimes and Offenders

Exploring Questions of Character and Culture
  • ISBN-13: 9781538125168
  • By Mary Clifford, By Alison Feigh
  • Price: AUD $259.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 01/06/2021
  • Format: Hardback 528 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Sociology [JHB]
Table of
For decades, and in some cases centuries, individuals, families, and friends of victims sought out ways to help heal the hurts caused by sexual abuse and implement some way to protect against future harms. The recent very public conversations about victims standing up to perpetrators has expanded the reach and public platform of sexual violence prevention efforts in critical ways. What might appear a relatively simple task on the surface, to define "healthy" and "harmful" sexual practices, inevitably raises even more questions. When the questions and answers are framed and defined through historical, cultural, social, and individual lenses, solutions may seldom be simple. Structured in five parts, Sex Crimes and Offenders: Exploring Questions of Character and Culture uses healthy sexuality as a back drop for exploring the complicated issue of identifying and punishing sex crimes, defining the parameters of sexualized violence, and sexual violence prevention. The goal is to prevent harm, address hurts, hold perpetrators accountable, and eventually eliminate - to the degree possible-all future harms. The information presented explores individual treatment efforts, as well as the social and political responses designed to hold perpetrators accountable and help support victims. Essential resources made visible throughout this text are provided to help inform young people, families, faith communities and future practitioners, to raise important reflective questions, and to serve as a resource for anyone of any age who has suffered harm, or perpetrated harm, and is in need of support and healing. Finally, the book concludes by shining a light on the efforts each of us can take to identify, reduce, and work toward eliminating sexual violence and harms.
Introduction: Listening to the Silence Surrounding Sexual Health and Harms Chapter One: Talking About "The 'Healthy Sex' Talk" Chapter Two: It's Complicated! Defining Deviance, Dysfunctions, and Disorders Chapter Three: So How Are the Children? Chapter Four: Historical Landmarks and Reflections on Sexual Deviance and Harm Chapter Five: Shifting a Legacy of Institutionalized Sexual Violence and Harm Chapter Six: Over Exposed? A Picture of Contemporary Sexual Violence Chapter Seven: Focusing on Sex Offenders: A Sampling of Typologies, Theories, and Behaviors Chapter Eight: A Focus on People Harmed by Sexualized Violence Chapter Nine: Focusing on Global Issues of Sexual Violence and Harm Chapter Ten: Laws, Public Policy, and Legislative Action Chapter Eleven: The Criminal Justice System Response: Policing and Prosecuting Sexual Harm Chapter Twelve: Correctional Management and Civil Commitment Chapter Thirteen: Assessing and Treating Sex Offenders Chapter Fourteen: Sexual Violence as a Public Health Issue: Awareness, Advocacy, and Prevention Chapter Fifteen: Integration and Application: Putting Theory into Practice
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