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Seeing White

An Introduction to White Privilege and Race
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Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race is an interdisciplinary, supplemental textbook for undergraduate students that challenges students to see race as everyone's issue. By beginning with an understanding of privilege and power, the text engages all students as raced human beings, thus better preparing students to explore discrimination. Drawing on sociology, psychology, history, and economics, it provides an introduction to the concepts of white privilege and social power while helping to break down some of the resistance students feel in discussing race. Seeing White makes issues of race accessible and challenges all students to think critically.
Jean Halley is associate professor of sociology at Wagner College. Amy Eshleman is associate professor of psychology at Wagner College. Ramya Mahadevan Vijaya is associate professor of economics at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
Preface Chapter 1: The Invisibility of Whiteness Chapter 2: Scientific Endeavors to Study Race: Whiteness is Not Rooted in Biology Chapter 3: Race and the Social Construction of Whiteness Chapter 4: Ways of Seeing Power and Privilege Chapter 5: Socioeconomic Class and White Privilege Chapter 6: (Not) Teaching Race Chapter 7: (White) Workplaces Chapter 8: The Race of Public Policy Chapter 9: Looking Forward Bibliography
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