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Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent Behavior
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Psychopathy remains one of the least understood personality disorders and one of the most intransigent to therapeutic amelioration. Better understanding of this disorder is not helped by its DSM definition, which specifies diagnostic criteria in terms of concrete antisocial behaviors rather than psychological dynamics. In a concerted effort to remedy this situation, this volume brings together a distinguished array of contributors to provide a comprehensive review of research on psychopathy--its nature, causes, and effects on the individual and society, as well as current management approaches.
I. History and Viewpoints 1. Historical Conceptions of Psychopathy in the United States and Europe, Millon, Simonsen, and Birket-Smith 2. Psychopathy: An Elusive Concept with Moral Overtones, Gunn 3. Personality and Crime, Eysenck 4. Psychopathy and the Contribution of Personality to Violence, Blackburn 5. Evil Intent: Violence and Disorders of the Will, Richards 6. The Internal World of the Psychopath, Meloy and Gacano 7. Antisocial Character and Behavior: Threats and Solutions, Reid 8. The Case for Parental Licensure, Lykken 9. Psychopathy or Antisocial Personality in Forensic Settings, Toch II. Typologies 10. Ten Subtypes of Psychopathy, Millon and Davis 11. Psychopathy and the Five-Factor Model of Personality, Widiger and Lynam 12. Psychopaths and Their Nature: Implications for the Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems, Hare III. Etiology 13. Genetics and Antisocial Personality Disorder, McGuffin and Thapar 14. Neurobiology in Psychopathy, Siever 15. Psychopathic Children: Indicators of Organic Dysfunction, Rygaard 16. Cross-Cultural Aspects of Psychopathy, Cooke 17. A Biopsychosocial Model of Psychopathy, Paris IV. Comorbidity 18. Psychopathy and Psychiatric Comorbidity, Dahl 19. Psychopathy in the Pedophile, Dorr 20. Comorbidity of Alcoholism and Psychopathy, Knop, Jensen, and Mortensen 21. Antisocial Personality Disorder and Narcotic Addiction, Vaglum 22. Sadistic Personality in Murderers, Stone V. Treatment 23. Psychopharmacological Treatment and Impulsivity, von Knorring and Ekselius 24. The Psychotherapeutic Management of Psychopathic, Narcissistic, and Paranoid Transferences, Kernberg 25. A Group-Analytic Approach to Psychopaths: ""The Ring of Truth,"" Cox 26. Therapeutic Community Treatment for Severe Personality Disorders, Dolan 27. The Management of Dangerous Psychopaths in Prison, Coid 28. Treating the ""Untreatable"" in Denmark: Past and Present, Hansen
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