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Psychiatry Review and Canadian Certification Exam Preparation Guide

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Psychiatry Review and Canadian Certification Exam Preparation Guide is the first exam preparation text intended specifically for candidates taking the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) psychiatry examination. This concise, single volume review contains "Canadian-specific" content so that readers need not modify other sources, but may rely on it as their primary source of preparation. The volume is based on The American Psychiatric Publishing Board Review Guide for Psychiatry and cites only validated sources used in other APP books, so candidates can be assured of its content integrity. It has been fully updated, and it includes a multitude of features that will appeal to harried candidates: The information presented is consistent with Canadian psychiatry practice. References have been drawn from the Canadian psychiatric literature, and laboratory units; medication names and doses, and the language employed are consistent with Canadian medicine and psychiatry; The volume is organized according to familiar DSM-IV classifications, allowing readers to quickly locate the most appropriate chapter. It does not neglect foundational knowledge, however, offering complete coverage of basic neuroanatomy as well as more advanced topics such as neuroimaging, psychopharmacology, and the cultural and legal aspects of psychiatric illness; Quick-reference tables summarizing diagnostic criteria for specific psychiatric disorders and other critical information are especially useful and abundant; and A rigorous 200-question practice exam and answer guide provide a reality check for prospective exam takers. The exam's structure reflects the actual board examination, with question topics commingled, and candidates seeking additional questions and annotated answers to enhance their preparation are referred to additional online self-assessments. The Psychiatry Review and Canadian Certification Exam Preparation Guide represents the best of psychiatric scholarship, combined with insight into the RCPSC psychiatry exam, and a keen eye for presenting the necessary information in a logical, easy-to-remember manner. This one-stop resource is destined to become candidates' constant companion in the months leading up to the exam, and after.
ContributorsDiscolsure of InterestsPrefaceSection I: Basic Clinical ScienceChapter 1. Functional NeuroanatomyChapter 2. Cultural IssuesChapter 3. Psychiatry and the LawChapter 4. The Psychiatric Interview and Mental Status ExaminationChapter 5. Laboratory Testing in PsychiatryChapter 6. Clinical NeuroimagingSection II: Psychiatric DsiordersChapter 7. Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or AdolescenceChapter 8. Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive DisordersChapter 9. Substance-Related DisordersChapter 10. SchizophreniaChapter 11. Mood DisordersChapter 12. Anxiety DisordersChapter 13. Somatoform DisordersChapter 14. Factitious Disorder and MalingeringChapter 15. Dissociative DisordersChapter 16. Sexual DisordersChapter 17. Gender Identity Disorders and ParaphiliasChapter 18. Eating DisordersChapter 19. Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere ClassifiedChapter 20. Personality DisordersSection III: TreatmentsChapter 21. PsychopharmacologyChapter 22. Nonpharmacological Somatic TreatmentsChapter 23. Psychodynamic PsychotherapyChapter 24. Cognitive TherapySection IV: TreatmentsExamAnswer Guide to ExamIndex
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