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Hooking Up

A Girl's All-out Guide to Sex And Sexuality
Where does a young woman find straight talk about sex? And how can she tell whether the information from those sources is accessible, accurate and complete? Books will give facts, but the clinical approach of most books on sex makes the subject as approachable as a cold instrument in the gynaecologist's office, and certainly offers little insight into the emotional issues and real-life dilemmas that surround sexuality. This book gives you comprehensive and accurate information delivered in a style so down-to-earth that its just liking talking to your older sister or best friend. Now there is an educational book about sex that is as captivating as a novel, and as fun as a slumber party. In a voice is both informative and engaging, the author will educate, entertain, and empower you to deal wisely with the questions, decisions and consequences that surround sex and intimate relations.
Amber Madison (Somerville, MA) is a recent graduate of Tufts University, where she studied human sexuality through a degree in American Studies and Community Health. For two years she wrote a weekly column in Tufts Daily about sexuality, safer sex, and relationships. Cosmopolitan magazine, US News & World Report, and other publications have profiled her in regard to her column, and her work has been featured on University Wire (
"Hooking Up is a straightforward guide to sexuality for young women. It's written in a cheerful prose and is packed full of what is presumably good advice. Hooking Up should be a valuable resource for young women." -- Metapsychology Online Reviews, Vol. 13, Issue 6, February 3, 2009
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