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  • ISBN-13: 9781611882117
  • Publisher: STORY PLANT PRINT
  • By Christopher Slater
  • Price: AUD $30.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 16/06/2015
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 140.00mm) 258 pages Weight: 284g
  • Categories: War & combat fiction [FJM]
This is not the story of a hero. So begins the story of one of the most distinctive heroes you'll ever meet. Drafted into a war he barely comprehends with no taste for combat, Pup will find himself thrust into the very center of the conflict. How he affects that conflict, and how this changes him and everyone around him, is the soul of this utterly unique war story. Equal parts adventure and farce, tragedy and comedy, PUP introduces an unforgettable accidental hero to war literature, and announces Christopher Slater as a resonant new voice. WINNER OF THE AUTHORS FIRST NOVEL CONTEST
Christopher Slater was born, raised, and continues to haunt Middle Tennessee. His love of history led him to teaching that subject, which gave him the opportunity to hone his storytelling skills with a captive audience. Once he thought he had sharpened his abilities enough, he decided to start writing for a more voluntary audience. When not writing, Slater enjoys historic reenacting, playing airsoft, and converting oxygen into carbon dioxide. He teaches middle school in Tennessee where he still lives with his entertaining son, very patient wife and a cat that won't get out of his seat. Pup is his first novel.
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