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Lethal Inheritance

A Mother Uncovers the Science Behind Three Generations of Mental Illne
This is a deeply personal and meticulously researched exploration of the science behind the family ties of mental illness. Every family has its secrets, but some secrets can be lethal. In Victoria Costello's family mental illness was given many different names across at least four generations until the inherited conspiracy of silence finally endangered her children. In this riveting story, part memoir, part detective story, and part scientific investigation, Costello recounts how the diagnosis of her 17-year old son with paranoid schizophrenia, her own fight with clinical depression, and her youngest son's struggle with anxiety disorder compelled her to look into her family history for clues to their conditions. Along the way, she discovers startling new neuroscience and genetic findings that explain how clusters of mental illness navigate family generations. "A Lethal Inheritance" also explores cutting edge research in Britain and Europe to identify the earliest signs of mental illness.
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