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Our Favorite Bacon Recipes


brunch to appetizers and dinner. We even have a recipe for chocolate-bacon cupcakes! From bacon-wrapped egg cups and bacon griddle cakes for breakfast, bacon-cheese dip and tomato-bacon nibbles for appetizers, to bacon & sage roast turkey and bacon-florentine fettuccine for dinner, if you love bacon, weve got you covered!

Gooseberry Patch was founded in 1984 by Vickie Hutchins and Jo Ann Martin, two moms looking for a way to do what they loved and stay home with kids too. Gooseberry Patch is best known for their collection of family-friendly, community-style cookbooks. Each book is created with todays time-strapped, budget-conscious families in mind and filled with recipes shared by cooks all across the country... with some from friends in Canada and occasionally "across the pond". Along with treasured family recipes, each book includes the stories the go along with these tried & true dishes.

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