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Fonologia generativa contemporanea de la lengua espanola

segunda edicion
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Fonologia generativa contemporanea de la lengua espanola, in its extensively revised and updated second edition, shows how recent theoretical and methodological advances have enhanced our understanding of Spanish phonology. This comprehensive book, written completely in Spanish, introduces the latest concepts and principles of phonological analysis and applies these theories to the study of the Spanish language. This new edition includes new chapters on intonation and laboratory phonology and greatly expands the coverage of optimality theory. Exercises and further readings at the end of each chapter, as well as the volume's glossary of linguistic terminology, facilitate effective classroom use. This book is an essential reference for scholars of Spanish linguistics and will be required reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of Spanish.
Introduccion: La fonologia Pilar Prieto 1. De la fonetica descriptiva a los rasgos distintivosAlfonso Morales-Front 2. Fonologia autosegmental Rafael A. Nunez Cedeno 3. Modelo autosegmental jerarquico Rafael Nunez Cedeno 4. Teoria de la subespecificacion Rafael Nunez Cedeno 5. La silabificacion en espanol Jose I. Hualde 6. La fonologia lexica Pilar Prieto 7. El acento Alfonso Morales-Front 8. La entonacion Jose I. Hualde 9. La teoria de la optimidad en la fonologia del espanol Sonia Colina 10. Fonologia de laboratorio Travis G. Bradley BibliografiaColaboradoresGlosarioindice de temas y lenguas
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