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Cell 77

Sharing the same prison cell crammed with teachers, doctors, and mothers with babies, a Kurdish female journalist conveys the story of persecution under an authoritarian regime in present-day Turkey. It is not only Kurds, the Orphan Nation of Mesopotamia, she finds out, but all who think differently than the government are made to pay a high price with their lives either behind bars or at risk among the waves of the Mediterranean.
Aslan Demir is a writer and poet who has been published in various literary magazines including Stoneboat, The Finger, Noble/Gas Quarterly, and Atlas and Alice. Born and raised in Van, a Kurdish city in eastern Turkey, Demir holds a Master's in writing from Lindenwood University. His stories mostly narrate the tragedy, injustice, and persecution the Kurdish people have been going through for decades.
"In vivid glimpses, Cell #77 reflects our time of ordinary people fleeing oppression, risking death to cross water and other borders to seek safety. Demir's lyrical fiction is led by a poetic eye, rooted in his Sufi training, keeping a vision that is wise and kind even in anger and grief."--Gillian Parrish, Author
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