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Why Children Need Boundaries

How Clear Rules and Healthy Habits will Help your Children Thrive
  • ISBN-13: 9781782506362
  • Publisher: FLORIS BOOKS
    Imprint: FLORIS BOOKS
  • By Lois Eijgenraam, Translated by Barbara Mees
  • Price: AUD $24.99
  • Stock: 9 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/07/2020
  • Format: Paperback (198.00mm X 130.00mm) 120 pages Weight: 180g
  • Categories: Advice on parenting [VFX]
Children of all ages need clear boundaries to help them navigate the world around them and develop healthily. But 'boundaries' doesn't just mean rules: babies need physical boundaries such as loving arms or a cot to feel safe; young children depend on regular routines to know what will happen next and what they'll be doing tomorrow; older children need space to make positive choices and develop as individuals.
So how can we provide appropriate boundaries for our children? And how do we know when to adapt as children grow.
This insightful book gives an overview of the different types of boundaries children need at different ages and stages, from babies to young adults. It offers a parent's toolkit of practical advice on common pitfalls to avoid, how to form healthy family habits and how to set appropriate rules.
Loïs Eijgenraam, author of Helping Children Form Healthy Attachments, draws on Rudolf Steiner's theories of child development to create a holistic, natural and positive guide to inspire and support your own approach to parenting.
Praise for Helping Children Form Healthy Attachments:
'Practical, easy to read and understand, and very approachable... I would recommend this book for teacher and parents libraries.'
-- Kindling
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