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9781785926730 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Essentials of Delirium: Everything You Really Need to Know for Working i

n Delirium Care
  • ISBN-13: 9781785926730
  • By Dr Shibley Rahman
  • Price: AUD $44.99
  • Stock: 9 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 08/12/2020
  • Format: Paperback (228.00mm X 152.00mm) 240 pages Weight: 360g
  • Categories: Care of the elderly [JKSG]

This introductory reference guide provides in-depth knowledge and information for students and practitioners to help better their response to patients with delirium. Detailing all aspects of delirium care, including ethical considerations, it is an essential resource in widening professional understanding and care improvement.

Detailed knowledge and specific awareness of delirium is crucial in elderly care, due in part to the overlap with delirium and dementia. This introductory reference guide can be used by professionals and students to expand their understanding and skills in delirium care to better respond to the needs of people under their care. There are also detailed chapters on quality improvement and educational initiatives which will be of great help to the delirium workforce in delivering improved care.

Setting out clear and accessible learning objectives, Rahman provides the essential information needed to improve care for those with delirium. Showing how to identify and correctly diagnose delirium, this book addresses different aspects of care including the management of delirium and the various interventions available, as well as ethics and safeguarding. It will also empower patients and carers to better understand delirium, and engage in the discourse of their care. As a widespread yet underrepresented issue, this book is a vital and much-needed resource.

One of the golden tests of any medical book is Will it change your practice? This book certainly can do this.

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