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Inspector Inspector

  • ISBN-13: 9781800172227
  • Publisher: CARCANET PRESS
  • By Jee Leong Koh
  • Price: AUD $32.99
  • Stock: 8 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 09/11/2022
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 135.00mm) 128 pages Weight: 120g
  • Categories: Poetry by individual poets [DCF]

Jee Leong Koh writes out of the heart of a contemporary reality most readers are familiar with at second or third hand. He writes of political exile and spiritual homelessness; he understands the perils of war, and the perils of certain kinds of peace. Inspector Inspector is his second Carcanet book (Steep Tea was published in 2015 and chosen as a Best Book of the Year in the Financial Times), and it develops his earlier themes with authority, passion and a sense of possible justice. Steep Tea dialogued with women poets from across the world; Inspector Inspector struggles with the legacies of fathers, personal, poetic and political. Threaded through the erotic poems and poems based on interviews with fellow Singaporeans living in America are thirteen palinodes in the voice of the speakers dead father, which he answers when the fathers voice falls silent. Jee Leong Kohs is an inclusive, generous and forgiving imagination, with an enviable mastery of traditional and experimental forms.

Jee Leong Koh is the author of Steep Tea (Carcanet), named a Best Book of the Year by the Financial Times and a Finalist by Lambda Literary. He has published four other books of poetry, a volume of essays, a collection of zuihitsu, and a hybrid work of fiction. Originally from Singapore, he lives in New York City, where he heads the literary non-profit Singapore Unbound and the independent press Gaudy Boy.

* Highly anticipated second collection from LGBTQ+ Singaporean poet living in New York * Previous collection Steep Tea was a Financial Times Best Book of the Year and a finalist for the 28th Lambda Literary Awards (Gay Poetry category) * Whereas Steep Tea dialogued with women poets from across the world, this collection grapples with the legacies of fathers: personal, poetic, and political * Scattered through the book are thirteen Palinodes in the voice of his dead father, which he answers when the father’s voice falls silent * He writes of exile, homelessness, the perils of war and of certain kinds of peace * Includes an erotically charged sequence of love poems entitled ‘Ungovernable Bodies’

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