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Supporting Queer Birth

A Book for Birth Professionals and Parents
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Bringing together the stories and experiences of LGBT+ parents as well as professionals in the field, this guide explains what healthcare and birth workers can do to improve care for their clients. It broadens the ability to understand those who birth and parent beyond the heteronormative and cisgender binary. Covering topics such as LGBT+ and neurodiversity, surrogacy and lactation, as well as including interviews from Jake Graf, Freddy McConnell and Sabia Wade, AJ Silver brings to light the failures of the maternity system for LGBT+ parents and discusses how these mistakes can be avoided. A compelling, educational, and motivational book, Supporting Queer Birth is essential reading for birth workers and healthcare professionals.
AJ Silver is a birth and postnatal doula, trained with Badass Doulas, Abuela Doulas and Red Tent Doulas. They are also a qualified Babywearing consultant. AJ has worked in the birth and baby world for almost a decade, cementing themselves as expert in their field in the UK. AJ created the Queer Birth Club, the UK's only LGBT+ competency workshop for those working in the birth world. They have delivered workshops to NHS trusts, universities, doula training schools, hypnobirthing schools, lactation consultants and more.
Preface. 1. Alphabet Soup. 2. Minoritized LGBT+ Folks. 3. LGBT+ and Neurodiversity. 5. How did you even get pregnant anyway? 6. Risk. 7. Perinatal Mental Health. 8. Lactation. 9. We Actually Exist. 10. Sperm Donation/IVF. Conclusion.
A compilation of stories, case studies and interviews to educate birth workers on caring for LGBT+ parents during pregnancy and birth
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