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9781843102588 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

New Families, Old Scripts: Guide to the Language of Trauma and Attachmen

t in Adoptive Families
  • ISBN-13: 9781843102588
  • By Caroline Archer
  • Price: AUD $47.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 16/04/2006
  • Format: Paperback (100.00mm X 100.00mm) 256 pages Weight: 400g
  • Categories: Adoption [VFVK]
Caroline Archer is an adoptive parent, an independent consultant in post-adoption support and a therapeutic parent mentor. She is also the bestselling author of Reparenting the Child who Hurts: A Guide to Healing Developmental Trauma and Attachment, First Steps in Parenting a Child who Hurts: Tiddlers and Toddlers 2nd Edition, and Next Steps in Parenting a Child who Hurts: Tykes and Teens (with Christine Gordon).
Acknowledgements. Foreword by Alan Burnell, Family Futures. Introduction. Thumbnail sketches. Alphabet of Issues. 1. Accent on change. 2. Aggressive and angry behaviour. 3. Attention seeking/ needing. 4. Basic building blocks of the brain. 5. Bedtime and sleep. 6. Cracking the code. 7. Control issues. 8. Cradling for closeness and comfort. 9. Critical connections. 10. Dealing with danger. 11. Dissociative connections. 12. Dissociative states. 13. Eating and food issues. 14. Emotional outbursts. 15. F is for feelings. 16. F1 kids. 17. Games to encourage attachment. 18. Good child (am I being good enough?) 19. Impact on parents. 20. Looking after yourself. 21. Managing separations. 22. 'NO'. 23. Nutrition. 24. Putting it all behind us. 25. Puzzling pain responses. 26. Reassurance or validation. 27. Rivalry between siblings. 28. Rudeness and swearing. 29. Self-regulation. 30. Sensory issues. 31. Sexualised behaviour. 32. Taking, borrowing or stealing. 33. Terrible shame. 34. Think toddler think (T3). 35. What not to do! 36. Your way forward - final reflections. 37. References. Resources and related reading. Index.
This is a book to help children manage their feelings, make sense of their behaviour and help them reconnect in new families with a calm , quiet, voice and gentle touch. It reminds all parents that with understanding commitment and support young people can find a way of understanding `all of themselves' and learn to integrate their relationships with the world.
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