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Understanding Intensive Interaction: Context and Concepts for Profession

als and Families
Cath Irvine is a specialist speech and language therapist for people with learning disabilities and autism, and Freelance Consultant and Trainer for Intensive Interaction.
CONTENTS:Introduction. 1. What is Intensive Interaction? 2. Issues Associated with Personal Characteristics. 3. Issues Associated with Social Inclusion (Being with Someone). 4. Issues Associated with Human Communication. 5. Relationship Building and Maintenance. 6. Issues Associated with Human Learning (Developmental Issues). 7. Some Psychological Theories of Human Behaviour. 8. Some Psychological Concepts. 9. Some Issues Associated with the Practicalities of Approach Use. 10. Creating an Interactive Environment. 11. Issues Associated with the Socio-Political Environment. 12. Issues Associated with Approach Development and Dissemination.
This book would be useful to anyone with an interest in intensive interaction, from professionals (such as occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychologists, nurses, social workers) through to care/support staff and families. It is also a useful resource for managers thinking about supporting teams to adopt this approach in practice. The book gives a thorough definition of what intensive interaction is. As the authors have broad clinical experience, intensive interaction is described from the viewpoint of each, clearly highlighting how this technique can be used for a variety of purposes (from education, therapeutic, social inclusion and of course, communication)...The authors cover a range of really practical issues when using this approach (including expectations, goal setting, what if it doesn't work initially, whether to schedule/structure intensive interaction sessions, and how to know if its working). The importance of disseminating an individuals' intensive interaction techniques, and what engagement/interaction might look like are highlighted, with systems suggested for communicating this within staff teams... Environmental considerations (physical, social, and political are discussed ) and support the reader to consider the environment in which they are attempting this approach, and how to maximise the impact of any intensive interaction intervention. This really highlights the importance of the 'bigger picture' when embarking on this approach with our clients... If you have an interest in intensive interaction, then this is a very good resource. I found that it covered a broad range of topics, dealing with the strengths as well as the challenges of using this approach, both on a basic level, but also thinking of service and wider political agendas within the systems we work in... I really enjoyed reading this book, and feel much more informed about this approach, which increases my confidence both in using it, and in suggesting its benefits to others. I would certainly recommend this resource to others. It really highlights the importance of making relationships with people who find it difficult to be with and relate to others, enabling these people to experience the benefits of being connected to another person (being acknowledged, valued, and listened to). The book is informative, and covers the topic from a range of professional and person backgrounds, exploring the challenges and strengths of this approach. There is an extensive list of further reading and useful websites which guides the reader to continue learning and developing their approach.
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