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Working with Families of African-Caribbean Origin: Understanding Issues

around Immigration and Attachment
Elaine Arnold is Director of The Separation and Reunion Forum, UK, an organization dedicated to highlighting the traumatic effects of broken attachments, separation and loss. Elaine has previously worked as a teacher, lecturer, child care worker, counsellor and psychiatric social worker. Her interest in attachment issues and separation was first sparked in the late 1940s when teaching in a school in a children's home in Trinidad and Tobago, which housed children for a number of reasons including the emigration of parents.
Acknowledgements. Foreword by Gill Gorell-Barnes. Introduction. 1. Historical Background of African Caribbean Life. 2. African Caribbean Families' Immigration to Britain. 3. Attachment Theory, Separation and Loss. 4. Narratives of African Caribbean Mothers Separated and Reunited with theirChildren. 5. Mothers and Children Reflecting on Relationships with Fathers. 6. African Caribbean Women Reflecting on Separation in Early Years and Reunion with Mothers. 7. Implication for Work with African Caribbean Families and Others who Experience Separation and Loss. References. Index.
I celebrate the arrival of this book because it is a testimony to the resilience of the human spirit surviving against sometimes terrible odds. It links the socio-historical dimensions of Caribbean family life with the importance of a psychological underpinning of attachment and commitment of family members to one another, for good mental health and a sense of identity. Dr. Arnold gives testimony to the many ways in which families struggled to keep connections in the face of long absences and also looks at the cost for many mothers and children of their separation from one another.
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