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Spirit in Aromatherapy: Working with Intuition

Gill Farrer-Halls is the author of eighteen published non-fiction books in the Mind Body Spirit genre, including The Aromatherapy Bible. A practising aromatherapist, she has been a Principal Teacher and Examiner with the International Federation of Aromatherapists for over 20 years.
Introduction. 1. A Fragrant Language. 2. Intuition. 3. Meditation & Aromatherapy. 4. Ancient & Modern Magic in Aromatherapy. 5.Aromatherapy Ritual: Spiritual & Sacred Use of Essential Oils. 6. Essential Oils & Absolutes. Endnote. Bibliography.
Gill Farrer-Hall contributes a fresh approach to aromatherapy in this intriguing book exploring the potential of the human spirit in relation to aromatics. She guides us towards creating our own fragrant vocabulary, verifies the value of our intuition and explains in depth the fundamental principles of meditation practice: all factors which help to enrich our work experience and empower our lives.
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