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Successful Living and Working with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Table of
AutiPower! Presents a series of candid interviews with adults on the autism spectrum that offers a unique insight into their work and life experiences. Through these inspiring accounts we hear of the many ways that people with autism have overcome challenges and used their autism traits for employment success.Despite his doctorate in Mathematics, Jaap struggled to keep many jobs before realizing that his intense attention to detail that was making him a slow worker became a strength once he learnt to set goals and communicate his progress. Wendy's autism is a big advantage as a special education teacher because she truly understands the children that she teaches. From scientific researchers, to company directors, to those who work in autism advocacy, the interviewees openly discuss the pitfalls and the positives of working life with autism. Also interviewed are autism professionals, career coaches and employers who discuss the value and great talents that people with autism bring to the workplace.
Introduction. 1. The Man Who Invented Himself. Jaap Brand. 2. The Woman Who Tries to Fend for Herself. Wendy Vinck. 3. 'We Need toExplain to Employers that there are also Advantages'. Annelies Spek. 4. 'Autism is Another Culture'. Steven De Grieck. 5. 'Einstein had Asperger's, Didn'tHe?' Mark Ty-Wharton. 6. 'We Need More Support' Maxine Aston. 7. Chicken Dish, prepared á l'autiste. Ted and Thea de Laat. 8. About Trains, Comicsand Cut-Backs. Elsbeth van de Ven. 9. 'I Can Make My Own Choices' Robyn Steward. 10. The Invisible Wheelchair. Karin Berman. 11. 'Let's Open OurEyes'. Dirk Rombaut. 12. 'If it is in my Interest, I will Tell'. Dominiek Heyvaart. 13. Society is Ready for It. Marcel Hurkens. 14. 'Impossible Does NotExist. Impossible Right Now Does'. Barbara de Leeuw. 15. 'Autism does Work'. Bram Barkhuysen. 16. 'We Want to Be Ourselves'. Carlo Post. 17. Thereis Also Another Way. Ben Kuijpers. 18. From Devil's Spawn to Philosopher. Jan Verhaegh. 19. 'We Want Jobs' Nita Jackson and Drew Miles. Epilogues.About the Authors. Word of Thanks.
The stories in this book provide real insight into how the autistic mind works. Readers will be encouraged and empowered by the many examples of resilience, perseverance and self-acceptance.
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