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Complete Guide to Creating a Special Needs Life Plan: A Comprehensive Ap

proach Integrating Life, Resource, Financial, and Legal Planning to Ensure a Brighter Future for a Person with a Disability
Hal Wright CFP-« has been married for forty years and has three adult children, one born with Down syndrome. He had a successful 27 year career in corporate finance, but in 2004 read an article in the Wall Street Journal about the scarcity of financial planners with expertise in special needs planning. He resigned his corporate position and established a financial planning practice focused on special needs planning. He graduated from the College of Financial Planning and earned the respected professional designation of Certified Financial Planner (CFP-«). Now retired from professional practice, he is a frequent speaker on the topic and has presented to the Colorado Bar Association and the Women's Estate Planning Council for CLE credit. He lives in Denver, Colorado.
Acknowledgements. Preface. Introduction: What is ""Special Needs"" Planning? Part 1: Life Planning: Your Child's Place in the Community. 1. Start with a Life Plan Chapter. 2. Create the Circles of Support. 3. Life Skills are the Foundation for Independence. 4. Write a Letter of Intent. A Checklist of Life Planning Actions. The Case Studies: Life Plans. Part 2: Resource Planning: Making It Possible. 5. Identify the Services to Meet Special Needs. 6: A Job One Can Be Proud Of. 7. A Home of One's Own. 8. Understand the Basics of Social Security and Medicare. 9. Understand the Basics of Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. 10. Understand State-Provided Services for Adults with Disabilities. A Checklist of Resource Planning Actions. Case Studies: Resource Plans. Part 3: Financial Planning: Paying for the Resources. 11. Develop a Special Needs Financial Plan. 12. Estimate Lifetime Financial Support. 13. Plan for Funding and Managing a Special Needs Trust. 14. Maintain an Insurance Safety Net. 15. Efficiently Manage Income, Trust and Estate Taxes. 16. Update Your Financial Records to Implement Your Estate Plan. A Checklist of Financial Planning Actions. Case Studies: Financial Plans. Part 4: Legal Planning: Protecting Your Vision and Your Child. 17. Establish a Comprehensive Estate Plan. 18. Prepare the Appropriate Legal Documents. 19. Establish a Special Needs Trust. 20. Obtain Guardianship or Implement Alternative Protections. A Checklist of Estate Planning Actions. Case Studies: Legal Plans. Part 5: Special Circumstances. 21. Divorce and the Special Needs Child. 22. Denial of Eligibility for Government Benefits. 23. Marriage: Considerations for People with Disabilities. 24. Twelve Things to Remember. List of Acronyms. Definitions of Important Terms. References and Further Reading. Index.
This book is at the top of my list for families and professionals that are touched by someone with special needs. As an attorney with over 30 years' experience, my practice focuses on elder law and special needs planning. Hal provides advice that is practical, comprehensive, and easy to understand. I give The Complete Guide to Creating a Special Needs Life Plan my highest recommendation and applaud Hal for his insight and mastery of a multifaceted subject.
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