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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Remaking Landscape

'Whatever else', John Hubbard says, 'this is not another artist's monograph.I've already had a good deal written about my work in reviews, prefaces to exhibition catalogues, or as journalism. So, from what seem to me the most interesting, I have selected excerpts that relate to work either mentioned or illustrated in the text which I have prepared from entries in the diary which I have kept since 1967. I regard this book as an opportunity to interpret various events in my life in my own way; its purpose being to build a sense of intimacy which also has a flexible, entertaining structure. If it provides a brief facsimile profile of my painting and drawing, it will stand as a retrospective exhibition in itself.' In a long and productive life, John Hubbard met and got to know a wide circle of other artists and creative people. The notes from his diaries make fascinating reading,
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