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Cranial Osteopathy - Volume 2

Special Sense Organs, Orofacial Pain, Headache, and Cranial Nerves

Taking a profound inner approach to help the modern Cranial Osteopathic practitioner understand Cranial Osteopathy from a deeper and broader perspective, this second volume focuses on special sense organs, orofacial pains, headaches and cranial nerves. With guidance in how to best understand yourself as a practitioner, highly detailed discussions of assessing and treating relevant anatomy, and hands on exercises that you can use at the treatment table - this is a comprehensive companion for cranial osteopaths. The chapters are written in a sequence of difficulty, each increasing the readers knowledge, understanding and palpatory skills in preparation for the knowledge/ skill set as they progress through the book. In addition, there are links to a set of audio files (online), each file relating to the practical exercises of each chapter. The audio will lead the listener into the anatomy and give a guided tour of the anatomy and explain the exercise for them to do, relating to that aspect of the anatomy. In this way the reader can hear the author whilst they have their hands feeling exactly what the author is describing.

Torsten Liem MSc DO is Joint Principal of the German School of Osteopathy, a practising osteopath, lecturer in cranial osteopathy and head of several osteopathic MSc-programmes in Germany and Europe. He is the author and editor of several books and has written numerous articles. Torsten Liem is organiser of the international osteopathy symposia in Berlin; founder of an osteopathic teaching clinic and of the charitably financed centre for paediatric osteopathy in Hamburg. A board member of the German and European Societies of Pediatric Osteopathy, Torsten Liem is also co-founder and coeditor of the journal Osteopathische Medizin (Elsevier), member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, and co-founder of Breathe Yoga. His core vision is the implementation of osteopathic principles in practice, and connecting them with the principles of classical Chinese medicine and yoga, and with psychological and energetic aspects.

•The author is an internationally recognised leader in osteopathic thought and practice, at the helm of masters programmes throughout Europe

•The specific focus on special sense organs, orofacial pain, headaches and cranial nerves allows for an incredibly detailed exploration of dysfunctions in these areas

•Precise, detailed illustrations support advanced anatomical understanding, as well as making technique instructions easy to follow

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