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Jeremy Catto

A Portrait of the Quintessential Oxford Don
If Hollywood wanted to make a film about Oxford University, the casting team would have to find someone to play Jeremy Catto. Born in 1939, this composite of Goodbye Mr Chips, Porterhouse Blue, and C.P. Snow was the quintessential Oxford don. In a remarkable life he seemed to know everyone and his network was extraordinary: he was friends with Bryan Ferry, became Harold Macmillan's drinking companion, taught Princess Margaret her family's history, had a part to play in General Pinochet's extradition trial and was even rumoured to be a spy. But he was no mere caricature. Over four decades, he shaped the minds and characters of generations of men and women who went on to prominent roles at Westminster, in the City, in the Church, and in the world of academia. In 2018, his memorial service was attended by over 500 people and his death marked the end of an era in British social, political and academic life.
David Vaiani was born in Vienna and educated at Oxford. He spent ten years in the corporate world in London before becoming a teacher, and he now teaches History at Cranleigh School, where he is also an Assistant Housemaster. He is married and lives in the Surrey Hills, but tries to spend as much time as possible in Italy. He is a member of the Reform Club. This is his first book.
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