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The Human Factor

Using aviation principles to boost organisational performance, reduce error and get the best from your people
This book outlines how you can take the lessons learned in the aviation industry and apply these in your organisation to improve organisational resilience and performance, reduce errors and utilise the full potential of your people. Over the past 40 years, the aviation industry has pioneered ‘human factors’ programs specifically designed to improve teamwork and reduce error-making. The findings from aircraft accident investigations have resulted in improvements in aviation technology, automation and, importantly, processes and procedures to address human error and poor teamwork, otherwise known as ‘human factors.’ We can learn a lot from this rich experience. The principles underpinning human factors programs developed in the aviation industry can be applied to your organisation too – in fact, to any place where humans operate. You don’t have to operate in high risk industries to benefit from adopting these concepts. Errors matter. A poor business decision or a misreading of the market might result in a lost business opportunity or, even worse, a business closure which impacts your livelihood and that of your staff and their families. When information which is common knowledge in the marketing department is not shared with the production department, market share may well be lost. Imagine if we could reduce the number of errors that happen by half? Half the number of missed business opportunities or avoidable business failures, half the amount of time spinning our wheels correcting errors. The Human Factor shines a light on human fallibility and error-making, and explores the simple principles and practices used in the aviation industry to improve safety and efficiency through the adoption of human factors thinking. This thinking can be applied to your organisation too, to boost business performance, reduce errors and get the best from your people.
Graham Miller is an organisational development specialist and group facilitator who has always had a natural interest in how people work in organisations. He has seen the good and the bad of organisations from the inside and out. He spent over 20 years in the Australian Navy in aviation and management roles, before working in organisational development roles in the public sector. He is co-founder of a Brisbane-based consultancy, Human Beings At Work, and for the past 12 years has consulted to organisations to help build team effectiveness, improve operations and develop organisational resilience.
* This engaging book is the first of its kind; it takes the lessons learned in the aviation industry to improve safety and efficiency, and describes, using practical examples, how these same principles can be applied to any organisation. * The book was written to help leaders apply these practical and common-sense principles, proven in the aviation industry, to boost their organisation’s performance, reduce errors, get the best from their people, and ultimately, improve organisational resilience. * This book will be read by leaders and managers wanting to make a difference in the way they lead their people and how they manage their operations to optimise business performance. * Business media, business podcasts, social media campaign
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