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Bobby's Castle (Revised Edition)

  • ISBN-13: 9781922833495
  • Publisher: LITTLE STEPS
  • By Paul Beavis
  • Price: AUD $16.95
  • Stock: 998 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 03/04/2023
  • Format: Paperback (240.00mm X 240.00mm) 28 pages Weight: 170g
  • Categories: Picture books [YBC]From c 3 years [5AC]

Accepting someone new into your life can be challenging. Accepting them into your home, or your school, brings change and upheaval. But with patience and kindness, it can also bring friendship and adventure.

Paul Beavis was born in London, England. He studied Graphic Design at Central St. Martin’s in London before working on children’s animation shows for the BBC and Channel 4. Later, he moved into website design, working for a number of top corporate and creative clients. Paul now lives near the zoo in Wellington, New Zealand, with his partner Nicola. Ron the Royal Guard, published by New Frontier Publishing, is his fourth collaboration with author Deano Yipadee, and Bobby’s Castle is his second book, after The Trip, with Little Steps in partnership with Pukeko Pictures.
He can be contacted

* A playful story about a fish called Bobby who decides he doesn’t want to play with other fish. But can he change and see things from a different perspective?
* Opens up discussions about change and acceptance. Change can bring challenges and upheaval; but with patience and kindness, it can also bring friendship and adventure.
* Forms part of a Book Hungry Bears collectible book set.
* Book Hungry Bears is a popular animation series for preschoolers that has at its heart a love of sharing stories.

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