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Big Moments

Expert advice for conquering the big moments that define us
  • ISBN-13: 9781923007390
  • Publisher: PUBLISH CENTRAL
  • By Melisa Sloan
  • Price: AUD $34.95
  • Stock: 44 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 08/11/2023
  • Format: Paperback (234.00mm X 153.00mm) 320 pages Weight: 520g
  • Categories: Coping with personal problems [VFJ]

Our lives are made up of many big moments and it is these big moments that define us. Some of those moments are full of infinite joy – landing your dream job, marrying the love of your life, having your first child, buying your first pad, starting a business, travelling to places that have been on your bucket list for eternity and sharing moments with those you love.

Along the way there are also those not so good moments, breaking up with your love, losing your job, getting into a financial pickle, travel trips ending badly and your parents encountering declining health and needing care.

Like with anything new, we often find ourselves in an unfamiliar place as we reach these milestones. It’s at this point we reach a crossroad. We have two choices, to reach out for the right advice from someone who has travelled the road previously, or to go it alone.

This crossroad can be a defining moment in our life, as the decision not to seek the right advice may impact the rest of our life – significantly.

This book is packed with relatable stories, invaluable insights from contributing experts and extensive helpful resources that allows you to feel confident in making those important, informed decisions, particularly legal or practical decisions, on the Big Moments throughout your life journey and will save you time and money in not making the mistakes that so many of us make with “many first” events that can change the trajectory of your life.

Throughout this book the author also draws on her extensive network of experienced experts in their field, providing compelling insight from some of Australia’s greatest leaders in business and law and allowing the reader to be the recipient of such meaningful advice from such eminent leaders.

This book touches on thought-provoking topics providing the reader with guidance on how to navigate these particular parts of their journey, encouraging them to embrace the opportunities that come their way, and conquering their fears. Many topics will also assist in providing the reader with peace of mind if they take the recommended actions contained in relevant chapters.

At the end of each section of the book invaluable in-depth resources are provided for the reader enabling them to easily access additional information about their particular topic of relevance should they wish to.

BIG MOMENTS is a book that every 20 to 44 year old should have on their bookshelf to pull out on an as need basis as they navigate their life journey.

Melisa Sloan is the founder of Madison Sloan Lawyers, a published author, board director and loves helping people to create beautiful legacies.

She has practised law for almost two decades and in 2021 published her first book Legacy, Taking Care of the Most Important People in your Life. Following on from the success of her first book, Melisa identified a need for a valuable resource to assist readers as they navigated the Big Moments throughout their life.

Melisa has featured in The Australian, The Weekend Australian, Canberra Times, Lawyers Weekly, Money Magazine, Kochies Business Builders, Canstar, ABC Radio National, 2ST and Sky News.

* This book is a very unique book in that there are no other books collectively covering all topics covered in this book in one book, drawing on the authors experiences as well as external experts experiences and advice to help people make better decisions in life.
* The book is aimed at the 20-44 year age group as it is this group that experience many of "the firsts" covered in this book - their first job, their first marriage, their first property purchase, having a family, their first business, their first divorce, their finances, taking care of their family, caring for an aging parent, travelling and working overseas.
* This book was written to help readers navigate the unique big moments on their life journey and equip them with the advice, resources and confidence to successfully navigate these big moments and save them time and money in not making the mistakes that so many of us make with "many first" events.
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